Theresa Onuorah Biography

Theresa Onuorah Biography

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Theresa Chizeberum Onuorah popularly known as Theresa Onuorah is a renowned Igbo highlife artist and the guardian of the Egedege Dance and Music genre, an essential part of traditional Igbo music. She was born on January 9, 1942, in Unubi Town, Anambra State, Nigeria. With several titles to her name, such as Onu Ejiri Mara Mba, The Queen of Culture, Queen of Egedege Music, and Queen of Unubi, she is a highly respected figure in Igbo traditional music. 

Theresa Onuorah

Theresa Onuorah

Name Theresa Chizeberum Onuorah
Date of Birth January 9, 1942
State of Origin Anambra State
Occupation(s) Musician
Age 81 years old (2023)
Husband Name Godwin Igboebisi
Children 2
Genre Highlife, Egwu Egedege
Net Worth $50,000 - $100,000




Early Life


During her childhood, Theresa Onuorah was raised in Unubi, a town situated in the Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State. Her father, a local "egwu ekpili" musician, greatly influenced her love for music. Onuorah's pursuit of music took her on various tours across Nigeria, which affected her educational journey.





The beginnings of her career can be traced back to her father, who was an accomplished egwu ekpili musician and traditionalist in their village. As a young girl, Onuorah often sang with her father's group, and in her 30s, she established her Egedege Dance Group. With this group, she traveled throughout Eastern Nigeria and beyond, performing at a variety of events, such as weddings, funerals, and festivals. In 1976, at the age of 34, she released her debut album. The album includes songs like "Oba Egwu", Onwanwa Mu Na Chimo", Ogene Ekwubego Mu Na Onye Ga-Agaba Egbu", and "Ebelebe Egbuonu."



In 1985, Theresa formed Egedege Dance Troop. The name "Egedege" were gotten from local slang for richness and bravery, which explains why the dance is termed a cultural classic and only played in royal or wealthy homes. The Queen of Egedege music and her dance crew members travels to a different part of the eastern part of Nigeria and beyond, performing on big occasions and events, such as festival, weddings, and even the funeral of a wealthy person. 


Personal Life


Theresa Onuorah turned 80 years old in 2022 and commemorated the occasion with a grand celebration at the Hollywood Event Centre in Awka on January 9th. While it is known that she has been married for over three decades, specific information about her family life remains limited. Reports have it that she is married to a man named Godwin Igboebisi, and they have grown children together, though further details about her personal life are scarce.



Is Speed Darlington Theresa Onuorah's Son?


Lots of people keep asking this question, and the answer to this question is Yes, Theresa Onuorah had a past relationship with Chief Pericoma Mezuo Okoye, a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and traditionalist. The two had a child named Darlington Okoye popularly known as Speed Darlington who is a singer, rapper, and songwriter based in the US.






Theresa Onuorah's songs include;

  1. Ugochi Nyerem
    Nye Bere
    Onwunwa Munachi
    Ka Anyi Kiribe Egwu
    Egwu Ndi Eze
    Ojemba Enwilo
    Onye Akpala Aku Nnadi Ga Eli Pt. 1
    Onye Akpala Aku Nnadi Ga Eli Pt. 2



Net Worth


Theresa Onuorah's net worth is estimated to be around $50,000 - $100,000 as of 2022.



Social Media Handle

For those interested in contacting Queen Theresa Onuorah, her Instagram page


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  • Emeka Ezeokoli
    August 31, 2023

    With her unique talents she should have been worth much more than shown. Perhaps this is attributable to poor or outrightly bad management. However it's entirely possible that her real worth is shrouded in mystery like a lot of things about her! 'nuff said.

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