Sis. Chinenye Samuel Biography

Sis. Chinenye Samuel Biography

  • Okolorji John Kennedy
    Okolorji John Kennedy
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Sis. Chinenye Samuel is a well-known Nigerian gospel singer whose music has won the hearts of many. Born and raised in Nigeria, she found a deep love for music from a young age. Her faith has played a huge role in her music career and has shaped her into the artist she is today.

Sis. Chinenye Samuel

Sis. Chinenye Samuel




"Kingdom Praise" (featuring Chioma Jesus):



One of the standout songs from Sis. Chinenye Samuel is "Kingdom Praise," created in collaboration with another gifted gospel singer, Chioma Jesus. This song is a beautiful blend of their voices, praising God together. It's a song that inspires listeners to join in the joy and worship.



"Kosara Ya Jesus":



"Kosara Ya Jesus" is another great song by Sis. Chinenye Samuel. This lively and upbeat song encourages people to feel happy in the name of Jesus. The song's energetic sound and meaningful lyrics create a joyful mood, filling the listeners with hope and thankfulness.




"Irapuru M Kam Bewe Akwa":



"Irapuru M Kam Bewe Akwa" is a deeply moving song by Sis. Chinenye Samuel. The song, with its soothing tunes and emotional singing, invites listeners to feel the comforting aura of God. The song speaks about God's loyalty and His power to bring peace during tough times.



"Chineke Nke Igwe":



"Chineke Nke Igwe" by Sis. Chinenye Samuel is a song of worship that praises God's greatness. The song, with its impactful lyrics and heartfelt singing, encourages believers to honor the King of kings. It's a reminder of God's supreme power and His endless love.


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