Chief Nkwoemeka Nwizu Biography

Chief Nkwoemeka Nwizu Biography

  • Okolorji John Kennedy
    Okolorji John Kennedy
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Chief Nkwoemeka Nwizu, also known by his stage name DE Senator, is a highly regarded Nigerian musician. Born in the 1960s in Ukunu village, Umunya, Onitsha, Nigeria, he has gained fame for his exceptional talent in the field of Igbo highlife music.


Igbo highlife music is a well-liked style of music in Nigeria, and Chief Nkwoemeka has become quite famous in this genre.

Chief Nkwoemeka Nwizu

Chief Nkwoemeka Nwizu




Chief Nkwoemeka Nwizu was born and raised in Ukunu village, Umunya, which is located in Onitsha, Nigeria. He comes from a family that has a deep passion for music, and it was within this environment that his own love for music blossomed. As a young child, he found great joy in listening to and being a part of traditional Igbo music, and this rich musical heritage has greatly influenced his own unique style of music.






Music Career




Chief Nkwoemeka Nwizu began his music career in the late 1980s. His music, which centers around the highlife genre, has attracted a large fan base. Highlife music is a mix of traditional African music and western music, and DE Senator's music is no different. His songs are a mix of Igbo cultural music and modern music. He is known for his energetic performances that audiences in Nigeria and other countries enjoy.



Throughout his career, Chief Nkwoemeka has collaborated with various music producers to create his songs. Some of these talented producers include Akpamma Studios and P. Sunnytex Nigeria Limited. These studios are renowned for their contributions to the vibrant Nigerian music industry, producing exceptional music that has delighted listeners. Chief Nkwoemeka's collaborations with these producers have contributed to the quality and popularity of his music.









DE Senator has made many songs that people love. These songs include 


- "Onitsha Main Market"

- "Anya Ukwu Di N'ajo"

- "Ife Di Na Akwa"

- "Oje Uka Ama Nso"

- "Democracy"

- "Obodo Adigo Mma"

- "Alhaji Kalu"

- "Ike Di Na Udi"

- "Igwe Chris Onyekwuluje"

- "Ndi Obodo Ji Bili"

- "Udo Na Oganiru"

- "Akwa Na Agwo Oke Ogwu" (dedicated to the native doctor Chukwudozie Nwangwu, popularly known as Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki)




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