Prince Chizoba Alusi Egwu Umueri Biography

Prince Chizoba Alusi Egwu Umueri Biography

  • Okolorji John Kennedy
    Okolorji John Kennedy
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Prince Chizoba, also known as Alusi Egwu Umueri, is an Igbo musician and herbalist from Anambra State, Nigeria. He focused more on a style of music known as "Egwu Ekpili" blending the Igbo cultural music with contemporary highlife beats.

Prince Chizoba Alusi Egwu Umueri

Prince Chizoba Alusi Egwu Umueri

Chizoba has released several songs throughout his career, including:


1. "Ndi Ochu Onu"

2. "Ndi Egwu Imitation"

3. "Egoeze Obi"

4. "Ide Buta Aku"

5. "Big Fish"

6. "Akwa Oba"

7. "Udo Na Onwu"

8. "Akwa Na Agwo Ogwu"

9. "Udu Nnem Buyerem"


These songs showcase Chizoba's talent and ability to create music that appeals to both traditional and modern audiences. His music is often infused with messages of love, peace, and unity, which reflect his desire to promote positive social values.


Despite being a relatively unknown artist, Chizoba has gained a following among fans of Igbo Egwu Ekpili music, and his music continues to be enjoyed by many today.

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