Evangelist Victorious Chidi Biography

Evangelist Victorious Chidi Biography

  • Okolorji John Kennedy
    Okolorji John Kennedy
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Evangelist Victorious Chidi, a man of deep faith and passion for music, is a renowned figure in the gospel music scene. Hailing from Nigeria, Chidi has made a significant impact with his inspiring songs.

Evangelist Victorious Chidi

Evangelist Victorious Chidi

Early Life And Interest In Music




- Chidi's love for gospel music began when he was a child. As a teenager, he started to arrange and produce music for his local church, marking the beginning of his musical journey.





Academic Pursuits




- Chidi pursued his education at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, where he became part of the National Association of Political Science Students (NAPSS) and studied entrepreneurship. After obtaining valuable skills there, he moved on to the University of Lagos to further study music and its production.





Career In Gospel Music And Production




- Using the knowledge he gained from his academic pursuits, Chidi has successfully established himself as a gospel singer and music producer. His expertise in managing his music business and understanding the music industry has contributed significantly to his career.





Major Works




- Chidi has produced numerous inspiring songs, with "Songs of Victory" being one of his most notable works. He also released an album titled "Believers Worship" on July 9, 2020. This album, which includes five tracks, stands as a significant milestone in his career, reflecting his growth as an artist.








- The journey of Victorious Chidi from a young music enthusiast to a renowned gospel singer and music producer is truly inspiring. With his continued passion for music and unwavering faith, Chidi is sure to keep touching the hearts of his listeners with his music.

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